Friday, December 21, 2007

"Apartment Therapy"

Looking forward to getting my own apartment, so here's some "Under $100" inspiration. Well, except for one photo.

"Here!" coat rack, fabrics from ReproDepot, couch and coffee table local craigslist finds, Goldfish print, Fifi print, Urban Outfitters coat rack

Can't wait!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Something new

The other weekend I was home alone for three and a half days with nothing to do but study for midterms. And cook!

I love these chicken stir fry wraps! And yes, I watch Martha Stewart. Already preparing for retirement in my own way (although, how could she still be on when I retire??? Now that would be scary...)

Of course I had to wear my apron. And of course we have no light in our little kitchen.

The next morning I declared "waffle morning" and ate entirely too many waffles. I believe the recipe said "serves 6" or some such ridiculous number of people. I believe they meant 6 ants (or perhaps people of regularly sized appetites...pshaw).

I also have been doing much blog-surfing (too much) and Etsy (window) shopping. The perils of midterms week. Oh, and a reminder to myself :, for my next pair of glasses (much thanks to the girls in my draping class for the suggestion). I just need to figure out my new prescription - all the glasses are cute! I wonder how they are so cheap?!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Underwater Etsy

If I weren't incredibly lazy so busy, I would have an Etsy store! And I would have booths at craft shows with all the fun things I sew. Instead, I just sew for myself. And currently for my draping and patternmaking professor, as well (who gets the most accuracy out of me that will ever be found anywhere in me. I realize it's a good thing I didn't go to fashion school). Anyway, instead, I browse Etsy for other people's things!


Tree's Eye View


Horse of a Different Color

Monday, August 20, 2007

For Wyatt

A package that has finally arrived at its destination :)

With family, at last week's wedding

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

A little love for my MacBook's built-in-camera

It may be true that I will never be good at baking. Maybe it's just too close to chemistry. And I did not enjoy chemistry.

I've started to learn to cook, trying out different recipes from Cooking Light and my mom's cookbooks. My photos aren't beautiful (and note the black pancake at the bottom of the pile), but it's been going well (unlike the cookies)!

This Sunday was my cousin's wedding and it was a beautiful ceremony in Miranda's parents' yard. They won't know it's here, but congratulations Miranda and Cleo! It was grea to see the family, many of whom I have never met/seen since I was a baby!
I wore a dress that I made over a year ago and finally hemmed recently.

The belt was from an estate sale in New Jersey.

Then put on my apron for the first of several unsatisfactory baking attempts.

The apron is still in-progress. My roommate and I decided to make the silliest, most ridiculous aprons we could for the coming school year in celebration of having a kitchen in our dorm room.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Fall is here, hear the yell, back to school, ring the bell...

Well, I can tell that we aren't gonna be friends, Sodexho.

Sodexho is a provider of food at my university. Generally, our meal plan is centered around a debit card that can be used at restaurants around campus, but Sodexho provides the food to our campus center. Unfortunately, they are awful. Awful meaning, 45 minutes to get a plain bagel awful. Good thing I could avoid them last year.

This year:
"The total sophomore mandatory Colonial Cash dining spending remains unchanged at
$2,500. However, beginning with the 07/08 academic year, $500 of the $2,500
($250 per semester) are considered the Sodexho dining funds and must be spent
within the 13 different Sodexho managed dining venues"

Okay, okay, and if I don't use it, it rolls over and I'm supposed to spend it next semester, until eventually, you give it back when I never spend it, like all my other funds, right?

"All unused Colonial Cash and Sodexho dining funds will roll over from the end of
the fall semester into the spring semester. However any unused Sodexho dining
funds will expire and be forfeited at the end of the spring semester"

Well, great. Great. When I can be a little more eloquent, I'm going to come up with a complaint to e-mail, but now I'm just angry!


In happier news, my fall schedule is set and ready so I can purchase my $450 of books any time now. Whoo!

History of Decorative Arts: European Heritage (3)
Changing styles of European furniture, textiles, ceramics, and glass in the context of general trends in art history and changing patterns in economic, technological, social, and cultural history. From antiquity to the modern age.

Biological Anthropology (4)
Survey of human evolution, genetics and physical variation, and primatology. Regular laboratory exercises.

Advanced Chinese I–II (3–3)
Continuation of reading of texts, essay writing practice, and oral presentation and discussion. (Academic year)

European Civilization in Its World Context (3)
Introduction to the history of Europe and the West, emphasizing primary sources and their interpretation. Hist 40: From 1715 to the present.

Pattern Making (3)
The study of pattern drafting and draping methods, based on contemporary and historical clothing, through lecture and class work.

Excuse me as I do a little dance over the last one.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Dorm room shopping

This weekend is tax-free weekend in Massachusetts, which means Mom and I will be doing all my back-to-college-now-with-kitchen shopping Saturday (as we have a wedding to attend on Sunday! Congrats to my cousin). The list is long of things we need but highlights are:
-George Foreman grill - hoping for a multifunction one with the waffle iron option! Mmmmm waffles
-A big ol' kitchen set with measuring cups, spatulas, a grater... I saw a nice looking set on Target's website that's probably cheaper than buying individually.
-A toaster? Really, will we have room for this? I hope so. Especially if the waffle iron doesn't come through (I need my waffles, frozen or not)
And so, I am looking into Corelle sets. Because we have them at home and they are quite sturdy (not to mention safe for use everywhere, and cheap..)

This is too much. And the kind of thing that I will like for a day and then find ridiculous. Yet, I don't want just a plain old white set, even if we will probably drop many of them...

Simple. Bad? Good? I don't know.

Looking at these again, I don't think I really like them.
I guess I will have to ask the roommate her opinion!

In my dream world, I'd buy sets of dishes from Utsuwa-no-Yakata. There's a store in Mitsuwa (Japanese marketplace, Edgewater, NJ - among others). And I always love Asian food. Too bad I couldn't find photos of my favorite set!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Damask day

Fabric shopping is something I don't need to do any more of for quite a while (especially since a very nice woman has generously given me two large bags of fabric in the last two days, in addition to two file boxes full of patterns! I'm eyeing a Christian Dior jacket pattern for my to-do list..) But anyway. I always always always can look at more fabric. Especially beautiful designs like those on the Westminster Fibers website.

I love damask recently, especially these two by Joel Dewberry (he has so many great designs!). I'd love to see a wall of the red but that might be a little overwhelming. So the "linen" is here for comparison. It's a good thing I don't have a house of my own yet, because who knows how I'd make any decisions!

This (somewhat bad screen cap of) Maroon 5 video, "This Love", also has one of those color schemes that I love in it. Surprisingly, I still like it even now - I was a little worried just now getting the capture that it wouldn't be what I remembered, but I do love the orange and pink. And of course cherry blossoms.

These three capture that same feeling pretty well for me! Although I'm not the biggest fan of the dark green..
I'm thinking I might have to really get a bolt or two of some of these. Someday they may come in handy...

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Because I need somewhere... keep everything I see and love online together! This is my inspiration board. More fun than hiding it all away in files on my computer, never to be found again.

The screen capture is from the website of an artist I met recently through work. He has an exhibit-in-progress entitled the 100 Faces of War Experience . The portraits really are amazing in person - the one in the screen capture being one of those paintings that takes you by surprise when you're standing next to it.